In the United States, there are many adults who struggle with obesity. However, there are several ways these individuals can achieve their weight loss goals, with one of them being the HCG injections diet. If you have exercised and dieted extensively with the goal of weight loss, but have been unsuccessful in your efforts, HCG injections may be just what you need. Here, you can learn more about how the HCG protocol works in helping you eliminate excess fat and reduce your weight.
What is HCG?
Before getting into the details of weight loss and HCG, it’s important to know what weight loss ingredients are included in the HCG injection diet. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, or HCG, contains several essential components to ensure the female and male reproductive systems work properly. When HCG is in pure form, it is called glycoprotein. This is what contains the oligosaccharide chains. Put simply, glycoprotein includes a mass of many different amino acids. Both men and women produce lower amounts during their life; however, expectant mothers usually product more HCG while they are pregnant.
The Effects of HCG in Men
For men, the testicles produce very low levels of HCG, which aren’t easily detected. However, the HCG that is produced helps with the production of testosterone, along with the enhancement of the typical functioning of a man’s testicles during the stage pf puberty in adolescent males.
The Effects of HCG in Women
For women, higher levels of HCG are gathered from the urine of an expectant mother. This is then used for several functions, which include weight loss, along with the acquisition of fertility components in women and men.
Important Precautions Regarding HCG Production for Men and Women
If there are unusual production levels of HCG in both men and women (those who are not pregnant), it may be a sign of the presence of a tumor somewhere in the body. This is because there are several cancers that can result in the abnormal production of the HCG hormone.
A Description of the HCG Injection
Also referred to as HCG shots, the injection of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is also known as HCG in medicinal form. It’s these injections that are usually administered with one another with the HCG protocol to help with fertility issues, as well as weight loss concerns. Since everyone has different bodies with different chemical makeups, they are going to respond different to the medication being used. As a result, the doctor is the one who has to determine which HCG prescription is right for a person’s body. While this is true, the typical shot dosage for HCG is 200iu/day. While undergoing this program, an individual needs to be careful not to consume the product for too long, or take too much of it, according to what the doctor recommends.
How Does the Injection Work?
It may seem somewhat unusual that the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin hormone produced by an expectant mother can be beneficial in helping you meet the weight loss goals you have set. However, you may be surprised to learn that the role HCG plays for expectant mothers is the same one that may result in weight loss for both men and women.
This is how HCG works in these situations. For a situation where a pregnant woman isn’t receiving adequate food intake, the hormone is introduced to use the excessive fats being stored in the body, which helps to ensure sufficient nutrition while the woman is pregnant. This same procedure is able to be used for women and men who aren’t pregnant buy who wan to burn off additional fat in their body by using HCG injections. While reducing calories can help to get rid of excessive fat, it offers even more benefits when it is used along with the HCG injections. Additionally, if you only use calorie restriction for weight loss, it may result in your body being weak, unlike if you were use the HCG injection along with the caloric reduction. This combination helps to ensure your body is producing plenty of energy to help keep you strong.
Weight Loss and the HCG Diet Injection Protocol
The human body contains many fat components, which are all designed for various functions within the body. They offer the body the maximum level of protection for all vital organs, ensuring no damage occurs and that proper nutrition is achieved. While body fat is essential for these functions, it becomes harmful when produced in excess. Excessive body fat is typically stored in certain parts of the body, including the hips, stomach, and thighs. As a result, the HCG injection is a way to get rid of all the unwanted fat that is stored in these locations.
It’s important to note that the advice provided by specialists on HCG is that this injection needs to be used with a diet consisting of limited calories, which helps to enhance maximum fat burn, leading to significant weight loss. This specific HCG procedure is typically designed to ensure the user only consumes 500 to 800 calories per day. In addition to the restriction of calories, the HCG protocol makes sure that all the extra fat in the body is used while also making sure the muscle tissue and all crucial fat is in typical operation of the body’s functions.
Someone who is consistent and dedicated to the HCG program can easily lose between one and two pounds per day. The caloric intake of the HCG diet is typically made up of very limited servings that include fruits, proteins, and vegetables. These should be consumed throughout the day. If you want to achieve the best results from this program, then the injections need to be taken daily. With this schedule, a person won’t lose muscle tissue, but they will lose weight regularly.
The Inner Workings of the HCG Weight Loss Diet
Research from all the way back in the 1950s has indicated that the HCG diet shots were a great remedy for helping to burn excess fat by removing fat cells from an individual’s body. In most cases, HCG shots are administered with a calorie free diet to see the desired weight loss results. The injections work by enhancing the distribution of the effects on the body for the fat cells, instead of on the body’s muscle tissues. It’s these processes that help with retaining all of your lean muscle, while consuming much of the needed nutrition from the operational body cells. When this is paired with a diet free of calories, the process makes it mandatory for your body to use the fat that is stored for functions, which leads to significant weight loss over time. Take note that the HCG shots are able to be used with Vitamin B12; however, that is optional because it performs the function property regardless of if the Vitamin is used or not.
The Phases of HCG Weight Loss: 1-4
The weight loss results from the HCG program are typically seen within four to eight weeks of using the HCG injections. It’s during this period that the metabolism of the body is able to reset itself to the newly introduced HCG diet, which is something that is going to continue even when the HCG diet is over. The procedure works along with the HCG that burns away any excessive fat cells that cause someone to be overweight. While you follow this diet program, you need to keep in mind that most of your weight loss will occur in the four to eight-week period. Keep in mind though, the entire program is made up of four phases that have to be followed to achieve the desired weight loss results.
Phase 1
This is the first phase of the weight loss plan and is also known as the loading phase. It’s during this time that you enhance your caloric consumption to develop fat stores. While this is the most exciting phase for most patients, people are advised not to eat any and every thing they find. Instead, they need to eat healthy food options that will help them achieve success in the latter stages.
Phase 2
This is considered the most involved phase of the program and usually lasts for 23 days to 4 months. This is dependent on the recommendations of the specialist who is guiding your weight loss process. The reason it is considered to be the most difficult is because it’s during this time you have to eat restricted calories. While it is known that the HCG injection will help to reduce your desire for more food intake, you may find that you have a higher appetite during this period. In most cases, this increased appetite level is not due to hunger, but typically due to high stress levels or societal settings.
There is good news. When you are aware of the fact that you may want more food due to these factors, you can fight back. For example, people who eat too much often have higher levels of stress and can avoid stress that may come their way by actually eating less.
Phase 3
Many people refer to the third phase as the stabilization process of the HCG program. This is due to the fact that the user won’t need the HCG injections any longer. However, you need to continue measuring your weight each day to make sure it remains stable, even without the HCG injections. Additionally, during this stage, you need to continue consuming a certain diet that has been recommended by your doctor.
Phase 4
The final stage of this program is referred to as the maintenance stage. It involves making sure that you maintain the weight that is achieved through the HCG weight loss program. When you finally achieve this phase, you will be equipped to not return to the unhealthy diet that you ate prior to starting the HCG diet. While the fourth phase doesn’t have too many limitations when it comes to a person’s diet as the second or the third ones do, it is crucial that you remember if you return to consuming an unhealthy diet, this will significantly interfere with your long term weight loss goals.
The Benefits Offered by HCG Injections
With the HCG injections and a calorie limited diet, there are several benefits to be had. Weight loss is one of them. Get to know the several other benefits that come with the HCG hormone here:
Muscle Preservation
By consuming a low-calorie diet, you may have the ability to achieve your weight loss goals; however, this ability is impeded if the muscle tissues in your body are lost along the way. In the end, this will wind up interfering with the functions of the body because it reduces your overall metabolic rate. If that happens, you will find it is virtually impossible to get rid of the excess weight in your body, or even lose a single pound the next time you follow any weight loss program.
However, with the HCG program you won’t only lose weight, but it can also help ensure that the muscle tissues are reserved for the body’s well-being. This will help you develop and follow a long-term weight loss strategy.
Increased Metabolism
Put simply, metabolism is the total amount of calories you consume. An essential benefit offered by the HCG program is that it can help enhance your metabolism which is going to increase overall calorie burn. Some factors that influence your body’s metabolic rate include growth hormone levels, muscle reliability, and body genetics. Each of these factors results in an increased or resting metabolism. Over time this will result in an increase of total fat consumption. Once you have reached a stable metabolic rate, this will provide definite assurance that you can maintain your current weight or even lost the weight without too much of a struggle. This is due to the fact that your body will be able to effectively burn away the excessive calories that have resulted in obesity.
No Excessive Food Consumption Due to Hunger
There are quite a few diet plans for weight loss that leave you with serious hunger pains and that wind up making the entire process challenging. Unlike these types of diet plans, the HCG program helps an individual stick with the recommended diet from their doctor without experiencing severe hunger pains. This is because when the HCG program is administered, it helps to suppress your appetite. With this, you can feel confident that you have a higher likelihood of success with this particular diet program and that you won’t face as many challenges along the way.
Enhanced Testosterone Production
Men who experience reduced levels of testosterone can utilize the HCG injection to help increase testosterone levels. There has been recent research that many men who have taken this HCG hormone have had testosterone issues solved. Additionally, with testosterone, this hormone is especially important because it helps ensure a man’s muscle development, virility, and sexuality remains at its best. Because the HCG hormone relates to, fixes, and causes testosterone issues, it is very likely it may also stop cases of erectile dysfunction.
An Affordable Weight Loss Method
Before choosing any new remedy for weight loss, you will need to determine if it is going to work with your budget. With the HCG weight loss program, you can feel confident that you won’t have to spend all your money to achieve your weight loss goals. One thing that is going to make you spend even less with this program is that you won’t have to use it regularly because the effects remain intact even after you are finished with the prescribed dosage. However, you need to take note that this is only applicable if you maintain a healthy diet after the HCG dosage process is complete.
Pain Free
Everyone knows that there are some tiresome and painful gym exercises that are needed for weight loss, and this can be extremely uncomfortable for many people. With the HCG program, you don’t have to go through all the unpleasant and painful work out sessions. Instead, you will only have to undergo the HCG injections and then follow a diet that is restricted in calories to meet weight loss goals.
Are HCG Diet Injections Safe and Potential Side Effects
The HCG diet injections for weight loss is something that has been used for more than five decades for both men and women. While the HCG program isn’t approved by the FDA, it has received countless positive reviews from customers. Additionally, the program has been labeled by many medical experts as a safe way to lose weight without the possibility of fatal side effects.
When it comes to safety, you need to also note that there has recently been an introduction of oral methods to administer HCG, which include oral drops or oral pellets for the hormone. However, it is important to note that with the initial administration of this program, injections will typically be used since the oral administration is not yet proven as effective as the injection methods. While the method of administration you choose is usually dependent on personal preference, you need to be careful to find the one that is able to most effectively help you meet your weight loss goals. Even more importantly, with the injection method, you need to proceed with caution to ensure you are getting this product from a reliable seller.
Side Effects
The fact is, there are some HCG users who experience minimal side effects when undergoing this program, while others won’t have any. One of the reasons that some HCG users don’t ever experience these side effects is because the levels of HCG that are found in the HCG diet are lower when compared to those produced by an expectant mother. Some of the most common side effects related to the HCG program include:
- Irregularities in monthly periods
- Pelvic area or stomach pain
- Minor bloating
- Vomiting
- Breast tenderness
- Diarrhea
- Acne
- Excessive sweating on the hands and legs
- Growth of female like breasts in men
- Breast tenderness
- Short breath moments
- Ovarian pain
- Headaches
- Irritability
If you want to reduce the side effects encountered because of a diet change, you need to consider using the diet transition process. Also, you need to consult with your doctor before you use an HCG prescription. This will help ensure that you eat a safe diet that doesn’t cause any serious or health-damaging side effects. You also need to let your doctor know anytime you have sensed an unusual reaction with the diet you are prescribed.
Also, you may wind up experiencing some less serious issues, such as swelling near the injection area. If this happens, you only need to let your doctor know if the swelling or redness is excessive.
Warnings About HCG
Before you enroll in an HCG program, you need to consider the precautions related to this diet. If you are an expectant mother, you need to let your HCG doctor know right away. If you suffer from cancer, are allergy to the HCG medication or suffer asthmatic reactions, it’s also necessary to let your doctor know.
Buying HCG Diet Injections Online
If you plan to purchase HCG diet injections online, you need to make sure that you are making this purchase from a reputable seller that has a good reputation. You can ask your doctor for a recommendation or use your own judgment to find the right seller. By taking the time to find a reputable seller, you can feel confident that you are going to receive a quality product, so don’t rush into a purchase without plenty of consideration.