One of the most effective ways to lose weight is the HCG diet, a diet plan that combines a low-calorie diet with HCG injections. This is the same hormone the body creates during pregnancy by the placenta and is a key to a successful pregnancy. It can also be used as part of infertility treatment, which means the chances of getting pregnant while on the HCG diet can also increase.
Considerations When Starting the HCG Diet
While the HCG diet has proven successful in helping people lose weight, particularly if they struggle with weight loss, it’s still essential to weigh the benefits versus the risks before you start. Because there is an increased risk of getting pregnant while on the diet, women who aren’t interested in having a baby must take additional precautions to avoid pregnancy. This factor is especially critical for women who are focused on losing weight because going through a pregnancy causes immense changes in the body, including weight gain.
The amount of HCG used in this diet plan is significantly lower than how much is used as part of infertility treatment. For instance, the dosage for infertility is often at least double the amount administered as part of the HCG diet. However, if your intention is to lose weight to aid in your pregnancy journey, the HCG diet can help you along both journeys simultaneously, helping you lose weight until you get pregnant.
Women interested in becoming pregnant can often rely on the HCG diet to rapidly trigger the weight loss they need to maintain a healthy pregnancy. Individuals with a body mass index over 30 typically need to bring their BMI down between 18.5 and 25. The HCG diet can effectively produce these results in a much shorter time than other diet options while remaining safe.
However, can you trust a positive pregnancy test while on the HCG diet since the injections naturally increase the HCG present in your body?
How Pregnancy Tests Work
When you take a pregnancy test at home, the test is looking for the presence of elevated HCG in your urine. While the HCG diet uses lower dosages, many of today’s pregnancy tests are extremely sensitive. Even a small amount of HCG injected into your system can trigger a positive response on a home pregnancy test. For this reason, it’s essential to schedule an appointment with your doctor if you feel you may be pregnant, especially while on the HCG diet. They will perform the appropriate tests to determine if you are pregnant or if your positive results is due to your HCG injections.
More Questions?
Contact Weightloss Express today for more information on HCG injections and the HCG diet!